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I'm so excited to know that the opening for The Prophetic Empowerment Academy "School of Prophetic Ministry" is about to happen! I know that those that are a part of the school will be greatly enlightened and better equipped to go forth in their ministry. I pray God's blessings upon this endeavor!


Pastor Shelia Bannister

Antioch United Holiness Church

Gainesville, Florida




With such a vastness of the prophetic furnished to us, the Prophetic Empowerment Academy will serve as a epicenter to cultivate those that have a quest for prophetic knowledge. Prophet Terrence D. Cruger possesses a heart for prophetic empowerment. He received a charge to empower an emerging generation that will activate repentance, reformation and revival. The curriculum of the academy will interrupt the lives of ordinary people who have an extraordinary grace. Like the Prophet Amos, they are told to withdraw from there ordinary life and be awaken to their prophetic destiny. Amos 7:15 states, “And the Lord took me as I followed the flock, and the Lord said unto me, Go, prophesy unto my people Israel” (KJV). I personally recommend this academy to those ready to cement their call through true Biblical principles. As a prophet myself, I know the importance of training for reigning and teaching for reaching. Isaiah 28:9, “Whom shall he teach knowledge? and whom shall he make to understand doctrine? them that are weaned from the milk, and drawn from the breasts” (KJV). 


Prophet Terry A. Weems Sr.

Obadiah Ecclesiastical Alliance

Tampa, Florida 

In this time and season, the people of God need proven and trusted voices such as that of the Prophet. I believe the mandate of helping to establish these voices is upon Prophet Terrence Cruger and The Prophetic Empowerment Academy. Those that have a genuine call upon their lives as a Prophet or the anointing for the gift of prophecy will certainly benefit from these classes.


Apostle Stephan Jennings

Faith Deliverance & Miracle Ministries

Putnam Hall, Florida 




Prophet Cruger is a well of experience with valuable information to share. Any teachable spirit will be tooled adequately to function in ministry.


Pastor Terrance Bulger

Greater Peace Baptist Church

Ft. Walton Beach, Florida




Few people have mastered the art of humility, excellence and giftedness. This is Prophet Terrence D. Cruger.


Pastor Kevin Thorpe

Faith Church

Gainesville, Florida 




I am excited to hear of Prophet Terrence going forth in his ministry. I know the man of God to walk in humility and the spirit of excellence. I can promise you that everyone that attends this school will be impacted and enhanced to be a force in the Kingdom.



Apostle Terric Nattiel

Divine Destiny International Ministries

Alachua, Florida 

It has really been a phenomenal blessing to work with and experience the ministry gift of Prophet Terrence D. Cruger over the past several years. I truly believe that the best is yet to come from this Man of God.


Pastor Cobie Nesbitt

Truth In Love Ministries

Jacksonville, Florida




Prophet Terrence Cruger is a true man of integrity and great wisdom beyond his time. A man with keen sight and an unquenchable hunger and desire for the Word of God. He has a heart for God's people and is a force to be reckoned with for the kingdom of God in this season.


Pastor Paula Chance

Rhema Life Deliverance International Ministries

Orlando, Florida 




I would like to thank God for Prophet Terrence Cruger, an awesome man of God whom I respect very much. Over the years I've watched him walk heavy in the prophetic and many people were blessed. Many of the members of our church have been edified by his ministry! I believe that God is doing great things in him and through him. His integrity as a prophet in the Lords church is unquestionable! He's doing a great work. I as an Apostle in the Lords church respect him dearly.

Blessings and Favor,


Apostle Carol Baker

Kingdom Dominion Assembly

Jacksonville, Florida 


P.O. Box 5694 Gainesville, FL 32627

The Prophetic Empowerment Academy

A dynamic ministry that is on a mission to promote the Kingdom of God through worship, music,

teaching, training and motivating people to be all that God has called them to be.

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